AYB Wellness

Check out our full menu of IV Hydration and IM Vitamin Injections here


IV Hydration Therapy


IV hydration is a fast and effective way to replenish your body’s fluids, electrolytes and nutrients when you are feeling under the weather. Whether it’s due to illness, dehydration or even travel, IV hydration can help relieve your symptoms and feel better faster. IV hydration works by introducing fluids directly into your bloodstream immediately, increasing your body’s fluid volume and making you feel better faster.

Best Uses:

+ Improve energy
+ Manage symptoms of dehydration
+ Prevent Stress
+ Relieve fatigue
+ Immune Support
+ Brighten hair, skin, and nails
+ Pain Relief
+ Improve overall wellness

Why IV Hydration Therapy? 

Daily activities expose us to radicals and toxins that can inflame cells, damage the body, and slow down our metabolism. We often do not get the adequate amount of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and water intake needed. This can lead to fatigue, decrease in energy, dehydration, slow metabolism and skin damage. IV hydration therapy allows us to bypass the stomach and directly deliver all the fluids and nutrients directly into the bloodstream and cells.

How Does IV Hydration Therapy Work?

Intravenous (IV) fluid drips deliver a combination of saline solution and specially blended vitamins, electrolytes, and medications through a small catheter directly into the bloodstream.


IM Vitamin Injections


IM vitamin injections, or intramuscular injections, are injectable forms of vitamins. They are injected directly into muscle tissue using a needle. The body absorbs these vitamins more quickly than it does vitamins taken by mouth. This can help you feel better faster and prevent future problems with your health if you have nutritional deficiencies. We offer a variety of vitamin injections, including Vitamin B12, Immune Boost, Vitamin D, Fat Burners, Biotin, and Glutathione.

Best Uses:

+ Boost Energy

+ Strengthen Immunity

+ Improve Mental Clarity

+ Boost Overall Wellness

Why IM Vitamin Injections

There are many reasons why you might consider IV vitamin injections. For example, you may have been feeling run down and need a boost to help you get through your day. Or maybe you have been sick with the flu or other infection and want to get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Whatever the reason, IV vitamin injections are a safe and effective way to get the nutrients you need right away.

  • Our Immune Boost is a power-packed immunity blend of Glutathione, Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C), and Zinc, the ultimate immune system enhancer. This immune system booster is formulated to strengthen, boost and maintain your immune response while reducing inflammation. We deliver Tri-Immune Boost through intramuscular injection.

    Best Uses:

    + Boost Energy

    + Strengthen Immunity

    + Improve Mental Clarity

    + Boost Overall Wellness

  • Helps to increase energy levels, boost the immune system, improve focus and memory, promote weight loss, aid in digestion, promote red blood cell formation, and prevent anemia*; supports healthy hair, skin, and nails; accelerates recovery and weight loss; increases stamina; may support bone health; reduces anxiety and depression; prevents brain atrophy.

  • Vitamin D3 is one of the most essential vitamins to our body. It supports strong bones, plays a role in reducing the risk of certain diseases, and it improves mood and depression symptoms. We deliver Vitamin D3 through intramuscular injection at a dose of 50,000IU into the bloodstream right away for maximum absorption.

  • Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that aids in detoxification, reducing cellular decline caused by aging and stress. This naturally reduces with age, so it is essential in eliminating toxins from your body and replenishing cells that leave you with a youthful glow.

  • Biotin is known for strengthening your hair, skin, and nails, but it does so much more! Also known as vitamin B7, this key nutrient plays an essential role in maintaining healthy metabolic, digestive, nerve, and cardiovascular functions.